Lockout Tagout Safety Training
OSHA Safety Regulations for Industrial Machines and Equipment
OSHA Training - Lockout / Tagout

This is a one-day in-depth course that covers everything related to machine and equipment lockout and tagout, to ensure that you meet OSHA regulations.
This is NOT a simple overview training course -- this is an in-depth course that covers all the details (and fine print) of OSHA-required lockout / tagout.
The objectives for the seminar is:
to learn the OSHA requirements for lockout /tagout to learn the ANSI standards for lockout /tagout
Upon completion of this seminar, participants should have a significantly improved understanding of the OSHA regulations and ANSI Standards that apply to lockout/tagout of machines and equipment.
OSHA Regulations for Lockout Tagout
OSHA Regulations form the framework for Manufacturing Safety within the United States:Section 147 deals specifically with The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
ANSI Standards for Lockout Tagout
ANSI's requirements for Lockout/Tagout enhance and improve on the OSHA requirements:ANSI/ASSE Z244.1 (2003) – Control of Hazardous Energy – Lockout/Tagout and Alternative Methods

The Head Trainer

William S. Howard

Why We are Unique
We specialize exclusively in manufacturing safety - training geared to manufacturers. We offer only advanced, high level training. Our training is individually tailored, customized to your machines. We can add any personalized training desired by the customer. We teach on-site at your facility, or at our headquarters in Atlanta. Training is provided in all 50 states across the USA. Taught by a machine safety expert - an actual accredited expert in the area of machine safety. All participants earn a completion safety certificate.